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The ESP Easy firmware can be used to turn the ESP module into an easy (more or less plug & play) multifunction sensor device for Home Automation solutions like Domoticz. Configuration of the ESP Easy is entirely web based, so once you've got the firmware loaded, you don't need any other tool besides a common web browser.

The ESP Easy firmware is currently at build R048 an looks stable enough for production purposes as long as it's being used as a sensor device.

ESP Easy offers limited actuator functions but due to system instability, this could be less useful in real life applications.


The ESP Easy has a userfriendly web interface for all configuration settings. After initial upload the ESP does not have a valid SSID and WPA key and it will start in Access Point mode with the WPA key "configesp"

Connect with your laptop or tablet to ip and enter the config tab to change SSID and WPA key. Now reboot the device and it should join your own local network.

Get started

To get you on track with the ESP Easy, we provide a tutorial to demonstrate the basics Tutorial_Domoticz_Switch

For all further applications, please check their respective wiki page Applications

Protocol selection

The ESP Easy supports several Home Automation controllers or web-services that collect sensor data.


Loading firmware

Tutorial Arduino Firmware Upload


Serial Commands

It is possible to configure your esp Easy by the web graphical interface, you can also use some commands to configure it using the serial console. These commands are provided to assist in emergency situatons where you cannot get access to the web gui.

The following commands can be used by the esp easy.

Delay Set the update interval of your attached devices. "Delay 10" means new values are being sent to your controller every 10 seconds.

Debug Set the debug level. 1: Error 2: Info 3: Debug 4: Debug more. "Debug 4" sets the debug level to debug_more.

IP Set a static ip adres.

WifiSSID Set the SSID of your homenetwork. "WifiSSID yournetworkname"

WifiKey Set the WPA key of your homenetwork "WifiKey yoursecretkey"

WifiAPKey Set the spa key of this esp unit. This key needs to be used by clients when they want to connect in AP modus.

WifiScan Scan for active wifi networks. This can be used to test if your wifi is recognized and to verify whether the wifi part is working or not.

WifiConnect Connect to wifi.

WifiDisConnect Disconnect from your wifi network.

Reboot Reboot esp module

Reset Reset the esp module to it's defaults. It uses the values from the sketch when it's uploaded.

Save Save changes to the esp's EEPROM

Settings Show the current settings stored in the esp's EEPROM