4x20 LCD custom characters

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4x20 LCD custom characters

#1 Post by mackowiakp » 12 Oct 2019, 15:10

I added to _P012_LCD.ino possibility to define own characters, using CGRAM feature. It works with my language character as picture shows:

LCD.jpg (49.68 KiB) Viewed 31247 times

The problem is that it is possibility to define only 8 characters while in my language are 18 characters different to ASCII (9 lower and 9 upper case).
At this moment definitions are static. So now I work on possibility to dynamically define such characters. Of course at the one "page" of display there will be always possibility to use only 8 from 18 characters. But it is enough.
During this work, I came across an obstacle that I "fought" for quite a long time.
Well, if we define anything on the address 0x00 CGRAM, then this character is displayed as "null" (not "space") and the character defined on the address 0x01 is distorted.
However, if we define the same character at address 0x00 and at the same time at address 0x08 (which according to docu is not possible), then the character with address 0x00 is still displayed as "null" but the character with address 0x08 is displayed correctly. In addition, the character with address 0x01 is not distorted.

I realize that all what I write here is completely incompatible with the documentation or examples that are available on the Internet. I wonder now. Is it the fault of particular display copies I bought or is it some "undocumented feature" of the LiquidCrystal_I2C.h library. In particular the lcd.createChar command. Or maybe something else?
Has anyone encountered a similar issue?

I forgot to write that logs stands that LCD characters code send by LCD command from rule are correct.

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Re: 4x20 LCD custom characters

#2 Post by Grumpf » 03 May 2020, 20:08

A bit late to answer but here's my experience : I modified P012 to add some special chars, it works see pic.
Temp.png (1.84 MiB) Viewed 22901 times
When I try to add them to an HTTP URL in order to display them from a Domoticz script, I can call them using that :

00 %08
01 %01
02 No way, not %02 or %09
03 No way, not %03 or %0a
04 %04
05 %05

I'll try with other value but I think 06 and 07 may work so I may just skip 02 & 03...

Here's my script : (copy paste missed up the structure a bit)

Code: Select all

-- ~/domoticz/scripts/dzVents/KitchenClock.lua 
-- Send text to LCD attached to a Wemos ESpeasy
     return {
	    active = true,
            on = {
         	 timer = {'every minute'}
	    execute = function(domoticz)
	    local LCDSTR
-- Script parameters EDIT HERE ***************************************************************************
		local Debug = "No"
		local MyLCD =","
	    local MySensor1 = "Room-Pergola" -- outside T & H
	    local MySensor2 = "Room-Kitchen" -- inside T
	    local MySensor3 = "Rain Accuweather" -- rain
	    local MySensor4 = "Wind Accuweather" -- wind
		local MySensor5 = "Old Accuweather" -- Fake sensor for previous atmospheric pressure
		local MyVar = "BarometricTendency" -- Global variable that store a Char (v,-,^)
-- Functions
	    function DtoD(x)
		    local Winder = {"N","NNE","NE","ENE","E","ESE","SE","SSE","S","SSW","SW","WSW","W","WNW","NW","NNW"}
		    local WinDex = math.floor(x/22.5+0.5)
		return Winder[WinDex]
-- Main CODE
	    local outside = domoticz.devices(MySensor1)
        local inside = domoticz.devices(MySensor2)
        local Srain = domoticz.devices(MySensor3)
	    local SEwind = domoticz.devices(MySensor4)
	    local OPressure = domoticz.devices(MySensor5)
	    local STRG = DtoD(SEwind.direction)
		local Btrend = domoticz.variables(MyVar).value    
		LCDSTR=  MyLCD .."1,1,".. os.date("%A") .. "%A0" ..os.date("%d") .."%A0" .. os.date("%B")
 		os.execute('curl -s ' ..LCDSTR) 
		LCDSTR = MyLCD .."2,1,Out:" .. string.format("%.1f",outside.temperature) .."%C2%B0C%20"
	    os.execute('curl -s ' ..LCDSTR) 
	    LCDSTR=  MyLCD .."2,14,".. string.format("%.1f",outside.humidity) .."%04" --"%C2%B0H%20"
	    os.execute('curl -s ' ..LCDSTR) 
	    LCDSTR=  MyLCD.. "3,1,In:".. string.format("%.1f",inside.temperature) .."%C2%B0C%20"
	    os.execute('curl -s ' ..LCDSTR) 
	    LCDSTR=  MyLCD .."3,11,Rain:".. string.format("%.1f",Srain.rainRate) .."%20"
	    os.execute('curl -s ' ..LCDSTR) 
  	    LCDSTR=  MyLCD .."4,1,Wind:".. STRG .."%20%20"
	    os.execute('curl -s ' ..LCDSTR) 
	    LCDSTR=  MyLCD .."4,12,".. string.format("%.1f",SEwind.speed) .."%05"
	    os.execute('curl -s ' ..LCDSTR) 
  		LCDSTR=  MyLCD .."4,20,".. Btrend
		os.execute('curl -s ' ..LCDSTR) 
		if Debug=="Yes" then
	        domoticz.log('Temp is ' ..string.format("%.1f",TSensor.temperature))
		    domoticz.log('Humidity is ' ..string.format("%.1f",TSensor.humidity))

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Re: 4x20 LCD custom characters

#3 Post by TD-er » 04 May 2020, 14:59

I added [ code ] tags to your post.

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#4 Post by Grumpf » 06 May 2020, 11:42

Thanks. I just skipped special char 2 & 3 and. Here's the result and the code:
2020-05-06 11_23_25-IMG_20200506_110359..png
2020-05-06 11_23_25-IMG_20200506_110359..png (749.5 KiB) Viewed 22619 times

Code: Select all

 #ifdef USES_P012
//#################################### Plugin 012: LCD ##################################################

#include "_Plugin_Helper.h"

// Sample templates
//  Temp: [DHT11#Temperature]   Hum:[DHT11#humidity]
//  DS Temp:[Dallas1#Temperature#R]
//  Lux:[Lux#Lux#R]
//  Baro:[Baro#Pressure#R]
//  Pump:[Pump#on#O] -> ON/OFF
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>

LiquidCrystal_I2C *lcd=NULL;
int Plugin_012_cols = 16;
int Plugin_012_rows = 2;
int Plugin_012_mode = 1;

#define PLUGIN_012
#define PLUGIN_ID_012         12
#define PLUGIN_NAME_012       "Display - LCD2004"

#define P12_Nlines 4        // The number of different lines which can be displayed
#define P12_Nchars 80

boolean Plugin_012(byte function, struct EventStruct *event, String& string)
  boolean success = false;
  static byte displayTimer = 0;

  switch (function)

        Device[++deviceCount].Number = PLUGIN_ID_012;
        Device[deviceCount].Type = DEVICE_TYPE_I2C;
        Device[deviceCount].VType = SENSOR_TYPE_NONE;
        Device[deviceCount].Ports = 0;
        Device[deviceCount].PullUpOption = false;
        Device[deviceCount].InverseLogicOption = false;
        Device[deviceCount].FormulaOption = false;
        Device[deviceCount].ValueCount = 0;
        Device[deviceCount].SendDataOption = false;
        Device[deviceCount].TimerOption = true;

        string = F(PLUGIN_NAME_012);

        strcpy_P(ExtraTaskSettings.TaskDeviceValueNames[0], PSTR(PLUGIN_VALUENAME1_012));

        byte choice = PCONFIG(0);
        //String options[16];
        int optionValues[16];
        for (byte x = 0; x < 16; x++)
          if (x < 8)
            optionValues[x] = 0x20 + x;
            optionValues[x] = 0x30 + x;
          //options[x] = F("0x");
          //options[x] += String(optionValues[x], HEX);
        addFormSelectorI2C(F("p012_adr"), 16, optionValues, choice);

        byte choice2 = PCONFIG(1);
        String options2[2];
        options2[0] = F("2 x 16");
        options2[1] = F("4 x 20");
        int optionValues2[2] = { 1, 2 };
        addFormSelector(F("Display Size"), F("p012_size"), 2, options2, optionValues2, choice2);

          String strings[P12_Nlines];
          LoadCustomTaskSettings(event->TaskIndex, strings, P12_Nlines, P12_Nchars);
          for (byte varNr = 0; varNr < P12_Nlines; varNr++)
            addFormTextBox(String(F("Line ")) + (varNr + 1), getPluginCustomArgName(varNr), strings[varNr], P12_Nchars);

        addRowLabel(F("Display button"));
        addPinSelect(false, F("taskdevicepin3"), CONFIG_PIN3);

        addFormNumericBox(F("Display Timeout"), F("p012_timer"), PCONFIG(2));

        String options3[3];
        options3[0] = F("Continue to next line (as in v1.4)");
        options3[1] = F("Truncate exceeding message");
        options3[2] = F("Clear then truncate exceeding message");
        int optionValues3[3] = { 0,1,2 };
        addFormSelector(F("LCD command Mode"), F("p012_mode"), 3, options3, optionValues3, PCONFIG(3));

        success = true;

        PCONFIG(0) = getFormItemInt(F("p012_adr"));
        PCONFIG(1) = getFormItemInt(F("p012_size"));
        PCONFIG(2) = getFormItemInt(F("p012_timer"));
        PCONFIG(3) = getFormItemInt(F("p012_mode"));

        char deviceTemplate[P12_Nlines][P12_Nchars];
        String error;
        for (byte varNr = 0; varNr < P12_Nlines; varNr++)
          if (!safe_strncpy(deviceTemplate[varNr], web_server.arg(getPluginCustomArgName(varNr)), P12_Nchars)) {
            error += getCustomTaskSettingsError(varNr);
        if (error.length() > 0) {
        SaveCustomTaskSettings(event->TaskIndex, (byte*)&deviceTemplate, sizeof(deviceTemplate));
        success = true;

    case PLUGIN_INIT:
        if (PCONFIG(1) == 2) {
          Plugin_012_rows = 4;
          Plugin_012_cols = 20;
        } else if (PCONFIG(1) == 1) {
          Plugin_012_rows = 2;
          Plugin_012_cols = 16;

        Plugin_012_mode = PCONFIG(3);

        //TODO:LiquidCrystal_I2C class doesn't have destructor. So if LCD type (size) is changed better reboot for changes to take effect.
        // workaround is to fix the cols and rows at its maximum (20 and 4)
        if (!lcd)
          lcd = new LiquidCrystal_I2C(PCONFIG(0), 20, 4); //Plugin_012_cols, Plugin_012_rows);

        // Setup LCD display
        lcd->init();                      // initialize the lcd
        uint8_t tarrow[8]  = {0x04,0x0E,0x1F,0x04,0x04,0x04,0x04,0x04};
        uint8_t barrow[8]  = {0x04,0x04,0x04,0x04,0x04,0x1F,0x0E,0x04};
        uint8_t narrow[8]  = {0x04,0x0E,0x1F,0x04,0x04,0x1F,0x0E,0x04};
        uint8_t degc[8]    = {0x08,0x14,0x08,0x03,0x04,0x04,0x04,0x03};
        uint8_t degh[8]    = {0x08,0x14,0x08,0x05,0x05,0x07,0x05,0x05};
        uint8_t ms[8]      = {0x1B,0x15,0x15,0x00,0x07,0x04,0x01,0x07};
        lcd->createChar(1, narrow);
        lcd->createChar(6, barrow); // 2 & 3 can't be display through HTTP command %2 or %3 bug ?
        lcd->createChar(7, degc);
        lcd->createChar(4, degh);
        lcd->createChar(5, ms);
        lcd->print(F("ESP Easy Grumpf"));
        for (int j=0; j<8; j++) {
        displayTimer = PCONFIG(2);
        if (CONFIG_PIN3 != -1)
          pinMode(CONFIG_PIN3, INPUT_PULLUP);
        success = true;

        if (CONFIG_PIN3 != -1)
          if (!digitalRead(CONFIG_PIN3))
            if (lcd) {
            displayTimer = PCONFIG(2);

        if ( displayTimer > 0)
          if (lcd && displayTimer == 0)

    case PLUGIN_READ:
        char deviceTemplate[P12_Nlines][P12_Nchars];
        LoadCustomTaskSettings(event->TaskIndex, (byte*)&deviceTemplate, sizeof(deviceTemplate));

        for (byte x = 0; x < Plugin_012_rows; x++)
          String tmpString = deviceTemplate[x];
          if (lcd && tmpString.length())
            String newString = P012_parseTemplate(tmpString, Plugin_012_cols);
            lcd->setCursor(0, x);
        success = false;

    case PLUGIN_WRITE:
        String cmd = parseString(string, 1);
        if (lcd && cmd.equalsIgnoreCase(F("LCDCMD")))
          success = true;
          String arg1 = parseString(string, 2);
          if (arg1.equalsIgnoreCase(F("Off"))){
          else if (arg1.equalsIgnoreCase(F("On"))){
          else if (arg1.equalsIgnoreCase(F("Clear"))){
        else if (lcd && cmd.equalsIgnoreCase(F("LCD")))
          success = true;
          int colPos = event->Par2 - 1;
          int rowPos = event->Par1 - 1;
          String text = parseStringKeepCase(string, 4);
          text = P012_parseTemplate(text, Plugin_012_cols);

          //clear line before writing new string
          if (Plugin_012_mode == 2){
              lcd->setCursor(colPos, rowPos);
              for (byte i = colPos; i < Plugin_012_cols; i++) {
                  lcd->print(" ");

          // truncate message exceeding cols
          lcd->setCursor(colPos, rowPos);
          if(Plugin_012_mode == 1 || Plugin_012_mode == 2){
              lcd->setCursor(colPos, rowPos);
              for (byte i = 0; i < Plugin_012_cols - colPos; i++) {

          // message exceeding cols will continue to next line
              // Fix Weird (native) lcd display behaviour that split long string into row 1,3,2,4, instead of 1,2,3,4
              boolean stillProcessing = 1;
              byte charCount = 1;
              while(stillProcessing) {
                   if (++colPos > Plugin_012_cols) {    // have we printed 20 characters yet (+1 for the logic)
                        rowPos += 1;
                        lcd->setCursor(0,rowPos);   // move cursor down
                        colPos = 1;

                   //dont print if "lower" than the lcd
                   if(rowPos < Plugin_012_rows  ){
                       lcd->print(text[charCount - 1]);

                   if (!text[charCount]) {   // no more chars to process?
                        stillProcessing = 0;
                   charCount += 1;
              // end fix


  return success;

// Perform some specific changes for LCD display
// https://www.letscontrolit.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2368
String P012_parseTemplate(String &tmpString, byte lineSize) {
  String result = parseTemplate_padded(tmpString, lineSize);
  const char degree[3] = {0xc2, 0xb0, 0};  // Unicode degree symbol
  const char degree_lcd[2] = {0xdf, 0};  // P012_LCD degree symbol
  result.replace(degree, degree_lcd);
  char unicodePrefix = 0xc3;
  if (result.indexOf(unicodePrefix) != -1) {
    // See: https://github.com/letscontrolit/ESPEasy/issues/2081

    const char umlautAE_uni[3] = {0xc3, 0x84, 0}; // Unicode Umlaute AE
    const char umlautAE_lcd[2] = {0xe1, 0}; // P012_LCD Umlaute
    result.replace(umlautAE_uni, umlautAE_lcd);

    const char umlaut_ae_uni[3] = {0xc3, 0xa4, 0}; // Unicode Umlaute ae
    result.replace(umlaut_ae_uni, umlautAE_lcd);

    const char umlautOE_uni[3] = {0xc3, 0x96, 0}; // Unicode Umlaute OE
    const char umlautOE_lcd[2] = {0xef, 0}; // P012_LCD Umlaute
    result.replace(umlautOE_uni, umlautOE_lcd);

    const char umlaut_oe_uni[3] = {0xc3, 0xb6, 0}; // Unicode Umlaute oe
    result.replace(umlaut_oe_uni, umlautOE_lcd);

    const char umlautUE_uni[3] = {0xc3, 0x9c, 0}; // Unicode Umlaute UE
    const char umlautUE_lcd[2] = {0xf5, 0}; // P012_LCD Umlaute
    result.replace(umlautUE_uni, umlautUE_lcd);

    const char umlaut_ue_uni[3] = {0xc3, 0xbc, 0}; // Unicode Umlaute ue
    result.replace(umlaut_ue_uni, umlautUE_lcd);

    const char umlaut_sz_uni[3] = {0xc3, 0x9f, 0}; // Unicode Umlaute sz
    const char umlaut_sz_lcd[2] = {0xe2, 0}; // P012_LCD Umlaute
    result.replace(umlaut_sz_uni, umlaut_sz_lcd);
  return result;
#endif // USES_P012 
And for dzVents :

Code: Select all

-- ~/domoticz/scripts/dzVents/KitchenTestClock.lua 
-- Send text to LCD attached to a Wemos ESpeasy

     return {
	    active = true,
            on = {
         	 timer = {'every minute'}
	    execute = function(domoticz)
	    local LCDSTR
-- Script parameters EDIT HERE ***************************************************************************
		local Debug = "No"
		local CustLCD ="Yes" -- Use Yes for custom LCD characters if you uploaded custom P012 LCD
		local MyLCD =","
	    local MySensor1 = "Room-Pergola" -- outside T & H
	    local MySensor2 = "Room-Kitchen" -- inside T
	    local MySensor3 = "Rain Accuweather" -- rain
	    local MySensor4 = "Wind Accuweather" -- wind
		local MySensor5 = "Old Accuweather" -- Fake sensor for previous atmospheric pressure
		local MyVar = "BarometricTendency" -- Global variable that store a Char (v,-,^)

-- Functions
	    function DtoD(x)
		    local Winder = {"N","NNE","NE","ENE","E","ESE","SE","SSE","S","SSW","SW","WSW","W","WNW","NW","NNW"}
		    local WinDex = math.floor(x/22.5+0.5)
		return Winder[WinDex]
-- Main CODE

	    local outside = domoticz.devices(MySensor1)
        local inside = domoticz.devices(MySensor2)
        local Srain = domoticz.devices(MySensor3)
	    local SEwind = domoticz.devices(MySensor4)
	    local OPressure = domoticz.devices(MySensor5)
	    local STRG = DtoD(SEwind.direction)
		local Btrend = domoticz.variables(MyVar).value
		LCDSTR=  MyLCD .."1,1,".. os.date("%A") .. "%A0" ..os.date("%d") .."%A0" .. os.date("%B")
		os.execute('curl -s ' ..LCDSTR) 
		if CustLCD =="Yes" then
			LCDSTR = MyLCD .."2,1,Out%A0" .. string.format("%.1f",outside.temperature) .."%07"
			os.execute('curl -s ' ..LCDSTR) 
			LCDSTR=  MyLCD .."2,14,".. string.format("%.1f",outside.humidity) .."%04"
			os.execute('curl -s ' ..LCDSTR) 
			LCDSTR=  MyLCD.. "3,1,In%A0%A0".. string.format("%.1f",inside.temperature) .."%07" 
			os.execute('curl -s ' ..LCDSTR) 
			LCDSTR=  MyLCD .."3,11,Rain%A0".. string.format("%.1f",Srain.rainRate) .."%20"
			os.execute('curl -s ' ..LCDSTR) 
			LCDSTR=  MyLCD .."4,1,Wind%A0".. STRG
			os.execute('curl -s ' ..LCDSTR) 
			LCDSTR=  MyLCD .."4,12,".. string.format("%.1f",SEwind.speed) .."%05"
			os.execute('curl -s ' ..LCDSTR) 
			if Btrend == "^" then
				LCDSTR=  MyLCD .."4,20,%00"
			elseif Btrend == "v" then
				LCDSTR=  MyLCD .."4,20,%06"
				LCDSTR=  MyLCD .."4,20,%01"
			os.execute('curl -s ' ..LCDSTR) 
			LCDSTR = MyLCD .."2,1,Out%A0" .. string.format("%.1f",outside.temperature) .."%C2%B0C"
			os.execute('curl -s ' ..LCDSTR) 
			LCDSTR=  MyLCD .."2,14,".. string.format("%.0f",outside.humidity) .."%H"
			os.execute('curl -s ' ..LCDSTR) 
			LCDSTR=  MyLCD.. "3,1,In%A0%A0".. string.format("%.1f",inside.temperature) .."%C2%B0C"
			os.execute('curl -s ' ..LCDSTR) 
			LCDSTR=  MyLCD .."3,12,Rain%A0".. string.format("%.1f",Srain.rainRate)
			os.execute('curl -s ' ..LCDSTR) 
			LCDSTR=  MyLCD .."4,1,Wind%A0".. STRG
			os.execute('curl -s ' ..LCDSTR) 
			LCDSTR=  MyLCD .."4,12,".. string.format("%.1f",SEwind.speed) .."m/s"
			os.execute('curl -s ' ..LCDSTR) 
			LCDSTR=  MyLCD .."4,20," .. Btrend
			os.execute('curl -s ' ..LCDSTR) 
  		if Debug=="Yes" then
	        domoticz.log('Temp is ' ..string.format("%.1f",TSensor.temperature))
		    domoticz.log('Humidity is ' ..string.format("%.1f",TSensor.humidity))

The other dzVents script to store previous pressure to virtual sensor :

Code: Select all

-- ~/domoticz/scripts/dzVents/KitchenPressure.lua 
-- Modify Global Variable for Pressure 

local Debug = "No"  

     return {
	    active = true,
            on = {
			  	 timer = {'every hour'}

	    execute = function(domoticz, Tendency)
-- Script parameters EDIT HERE ***************************************************************************
	    local MySensor1 = "THP Accuweather" -- Pressure
	    local MySensor2 = "Old Accuweather" -- Pressure Virtual
		local MyVariable = "BarometricTendency"
-- Functions
-- Main CODE
	    local SPressure = domoticz.devices(MySensor1)
	    local OPressure = domoticz.devices(MySensor2)
	   local Arrow
	    if (SPressure.barometer > OPressure.barometer) then
			Arrow = "^"
		elseif (SPressure.barometer < OPressure.barometer) then
			Arrow = "v"
			Arrow = "-"
		if Debug == "Yes" then
			print("NewPressure:" ..SPressure.barometer)
			print("OldPressure:" ..OPressure.barometer)

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Re: 4x20 LCD custom characters

#5 Post by Misiu » 14 Jul 2020, 12:01

@mackowiakp could you add instruction on how to add national characters?
I'm not sure where and how to add them.

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Re: 4x20 LCD custom characters

#6 Post by Grumpf » 14 Jul 2020, 12:10

If you look at my modified P012.ino code, it's below the ////Grumpf////
You just have to create your character and replace it.


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Re: 4x20 LCD custom characters

#7 Post by mackowiakp » 04 Sep 2020, 08:36

@mackowiakp could you add instruction on how to add national characters?
I'm not sure where and how to add them.
Sorry for the long delay in responding, but I was in India. And I came back, not with COVID but with some parasite. And I had to "visit" the Institute of Maritime and Tropical Medicine.
So attached here is the code for the LCD plugin, which contains definitions for Polish national characters.
Only that it works for sure with the ESPEasy_mega-20191208 version. Compiling with newer versions produces some errors. However, I did not deal with adapting this code to newer versions of ESPEasy, because the ESPEasy_mega-20191208 version works perfectly for me, without any HW/SW/Watchdog-reboot. And I will not change anything that works perfectly for me.
Also please read the first post in this thread. I had problems with defining national characters and to this day I do not know whether the fault lies in the type of device or in the particular copy of the device I have. I have not tried this code with another display.
(3.78 KiB) Downloaded 425 times

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Re: 4x20 LCD custom characters

#8 Post by TD-er » 04 Sep 2020, 09:36

I can add it wrapped in a define for Polish characters, so they don't add to the bin size when not used.

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Re: 4x20 LCD custom characters

#9 Post by mackowiakp » 04 Sep 2020, 10:31

Nice idea!

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Re: 4x20 LCD custom characters

#11 Post by mackowiakp » 15 Sep 2020, 11:42


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