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Home assistant switch in synch with ESPeasy device

Posted: 14 Jan 2024, 11:03
I have SONOFF device working as a Regulator with few other features. Everything works fine as standalone device. I want to be able to control it from Home assistant as well as from device itself locally but both sides need to be in synch.
When I use MQTT import I can send commands from HA to the Espeasy device but I can't see the change in HA when I change the state on ESPeasy locally. I managed to control Dummy Device from HA but again didn't manage to get the right update in HA when I change state locally on ESPeasy.
What is the best approach to have two variables (one in HA and the other one in Espeasy) in synch so when I change state on one, the other updates. Do I need to use Rules and develop the logic or there is a configuration that allows it straight away.
Would appreciate advice.