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Deltia 8.33 and Deltia 1.03

Posted: 12 Jan 2024, 03:47
by Gougou78
Good morning,

First of all, I wish you the best for this year 2024.

I am very happy to see that a new version was released at the end of 2023 and in addition to integrate a function that I was waiting for a lot: the integration of Delta Dore devices.

However, I have some questions regarding these devices. (I am attaching 2 photos to be sure we are talking about the same ones)

I currently use 2 zones to control my radiators from thermostat 8.33. I managed to recover the frames for controlling the receivers:

-20;8D;X2D;ID=0000185f;SWITCH=05;CMD=ON;EXT=Deltia103;BAT=OK; : for zone 1

-20;8E;X2D;ID=1000185f;SWITCH=05;CMD=ON;EXT=Deltia103;BAT=OK; : for zone 2

I use the command: 10;X2D;1000185f;05;ON; to turn on zone 1, which works perfectly. However, on the thermostat the zone does not appear as ON (I still have the crescent moon)

How can I make commands executed from RFLink appear on the physical thermostat?

Also, I was not able to communicate directly with the 1.03 receiver, is there a little documentation on the procedure to follow?

Thanking you in advance.

thank you for your work

P.S: Sorry for my English, I'm French and I used Google translate

Re: Deltia 8.33 and Deltia 1.03

Posted: 13 Jan 2024, 13:14
by bidrohini
For the issue with the thermostat not reflecting the status correctly, it might be related to how the thermostat interprets or updates its status based on received commands.

Re: Deltia 8.33 and Deltia 1.03

Posted: 16 Jan 2024, 15:44
by Gougou78
For the thermostat, the "sun" and "moon" logos are simply controlled by pressing the thermostat itself.

If I press the zone 2 button while it is in "moon" mode, it sends the ON command to the zone 2 receivers and the logo changes to "sun". And vice versa

For the moment I cannot receive a signal directly from the receivers. I thought I could do it because I saw in the changelog: "New Device: Deltia 1.03 - 3 zone - X2D (including support for pairing/association)" but I can't do it. Maybe I'm doing it wrong.

For the moment I can control my heaters with the rflink only by zone and they must first be added to the thermostat