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How to sent numeric converted to string

Posted: 22 Jan 2023, 23:01
by BartSr

To sent textdata from easpeasy to domoticz next syntax is valid.

on CO2#PPM do
SendToHTTP ,,8080,/json.htm?param=udevice&type=command&idx=909&svalue=SomeData

Domoticz will display "SomeData"in a virtual text-device.

Now I'd like to sent numeric value (content of a variable).
Is there a kind of conversuin formula to do so eg num2string(numericvar)


Re: How to sent numeric converted to string

Posted: 22 Jan 2023, 23:23
by Ath
The documentation on Rules has most/all info and a lot of examples
For the values of a task you can use the [taskname#valuename] syntax (square brackets included!), optional formatting is also documented at that link, for system variables the %sysname% syntax can be used.

Domoticz expects most values via svalue, but for some the nvalue should be set.