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pxlBlck-plugin for easy optical notifications via LED-Matrizes and Stripes

Posted: 20 Dec 2020, 10:09
by Fab
Hey guys,
I wrote a plugin for ESPEasy with which different Neopixel/WS2812 LED matrices can be controlled. For example, icons and animation can be displayed on command (e.g. via MQTT).
I use this to be informed about events (doorbell, WhatsApp message, etc.) in my SmartHome.
Possibly. can any of you use that too. You can find general information about this here:
The first four hardware plattforms can be found in the following list of articles (inlc build instructions, STLs and material lists):
Of course, I am always happy to receive constructive criticism. 🙂
Also I'm interested in what I have to do to have this included in the ESPEasy plugin collection? Is there something like a "Step-by-Step"-Guide somehwere? :)
Cheers and have a nice day


Re: pxlBlck-plugin for easy optical notifications via LED-Matrizes and Stripes

Posted: 20 Dec 2020, 11:54
by TD-er
Looking good :)

Not sure how comfortable you are with Git.
If not that comfortable, it is best to make sure you have a backup of your code in a separate ZIP somewhere.

The basic steps to get it included in ESPEasy is a bit like this:
- Clone the ESPEasy repository to your own GitHub account.
- Create a new branch at the current HEAD of the repository (e.g. "feature/pxlBlckPlugin")
- Add your code changes to the branch and make sure it does compile (current highest plugin nr is 107, so start using 108)
- Make a commit to your branch
- Push your branch to your origin (your clone on GitHub)
- Navigate to After you pushed your branch, you will see a yellow-ish bar appear to create a pull request

After you created a pull request (PR) you will for sure get some constructive criticism from me :) (regarding the code)