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Blynk - offline device

Posted: 03 Aug 2020, 20:48
by damjang
I am using a Blynk controller (local server and cloud) and a modul Wemos D1 mini.
The problem is because the Blynk app always shows that the device (Wemos D1 mini) is offline.

I can send data from ESP_Easy to Blynk and it also displays it correctly.
Communication from Blynk to D1 mini does not work. For example, I can't turn on the LED from the Blynk app.

If I program in Arduino and use <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>, Blynk signals that the D1 mini is successfully connected.
Communication also works in both directions. I can also turn on an LED or relay from the app.

What's wrong with ESP_Easy that communication isn't two-way? Does anyone have experience?

I used various older versions of ESP_Easy and also the latest version of ESP_Easy_mega_20200801.

Thanks for the help,

Re: Blynk - offline device

Posted: 04 Aug 2020, 03:43
by ThomasB
Reporting "offline" is normal behavior for ESPEasy's Blynk HTTP controller (C012). This controller sends a message to Blynk and then disconnects. So it is essentially offline.

There's an alternate Blynk controller (C015) that supports callbacks. I'm not sure, but it might do what you want. To use the alternate Blynk controller you will need to build a custom ESPEasy version with the C015 controller enabled. FWIW, I don't use Blynk so I can't offer any specific advice regarding the C015 controller.

- Thomas

Re: Blynk - offline device

Posted: 04 Aug 2020, 20:40
by damjang
Thomas, thanks for the reply and help.
So I'm on the right track :)

I need a little more help. How do I build my ESPEasy version with Arduino?
I have tried Arduino before but the compiled .bin never contained the desired Plugins.
What is the right procedure?


Re: Blynk - offline device

Posted: 04 Aug 2020, 22:58
by ThomasB
I use VSCode Platformio. My ESPEasy build workflow is summarized as follows:

1. Download latest Mega Source Code and unzip.
2. Launch Platformio and Open the project's work folder.
3. Edit define_plug_sets.h: Directly under the CONTROLLER_SET_TESTING section, enable the USES_C015 controller.
4. Edit platformio.ini: Add the required board build to the default_envs section.
5. Build project.

- Thomas

Re: Blynk - offline device

Posted: 05 Aug 2020, 00:59
by TD-er
Mwoah, not sure if you need to open an issue for it to make it compile again...
See this pull request:

Re: Blynk - offline device

Posted: 24 Aug 2020, 20:31
by damjang
Thanks for the custom build 20200812.
C015 Blynk works.
I tested it with Blynk-Cloud and it all worked.
I also made a local Blynk server with a Raspberry pi 3A + and tested the performance.
Blynk also works.

I would be very happy if the C015 Blynk was included in the test version as well.

Thanks again and thank you very much,