ESP Easy Feature wishlist

Moderators: grovkillen, Stuntteam, TD-er


ESP Easy Feature wishlist

#1 Post by Martinus » 27 Jan 2016, 16:53

ESP Easy feature wish list as requested by community members:

Roadmap Legend:
Black - Maybe some day...
Green - Build !
Orange - Not likely. Due to technical reasons, out of project scope, possible lack or waste of ESP resources, ...
Red - Not going to happen unless someone else puts it in the playground or forks a custom version...

#01 - IP and config settings reported on syslog
#02 - Wifi status LED (R79)
#03 - Network traffic LED (R80)
#04 - RGB dimmer device
#05 - Zero cross detection for dimmer support
#06 - Send GPIO state on every bootup (R79)
#07 - CSS as external link
#08 - WS2812 LED strip
#09 - Pulse command for PCF8574 plugin (R79)
#10 - Send sensor value to other ESP units with LCD (R86)
#11 - Use GPIO-1 and GPIO-3 for I2C (R79)
#12 - Maintain switch state when power down/up
#13 - Rounding sensor values (R88)
#14 - Playing Audio
#15 - Wifi signal strength reporting (R80)
#16 - SHT10 soil moisture sensor (R105)
#17 - Increase ESP valuename field size (R88)
#18 - Reading VCC voltage {R107), needs custom build patched at compile time !
#19 - Sensor send delay setting per task (R79)
#20 - log controller TCP port during communications (R80)
#21 - add more variables for generic http request
#22 - add name-date-time stamp to saved config filename (R93)
#23 - Core-OS and Plugin-Versioning separation
#24 - MQTT actuator support for all commands (R80)
#25 - TSL2591 support
#26 - Output Device LED (Domoticz actuator support) (R82)
#27 - Rules engine (R86) BUT A VERY SIMPLE ONE !!
#28 - HTML Meta-Tag on the main-Page with the runtime
#29 - PWMFade command
#30 - Store state of GPIO in Flash, to be retrievable after (cold-)reboot
#31 - Store configs on a central unit
#32 - Give out the recognized IR remote (sony/sanyo/technics..)
#33 - IR-Send (plugin available in the plugin playground)
#34 - Return-Object for (System-) GPIO-States. (R85)
#35 - MQTT syslog channel/topic and boot-log channel/topic
#36 - Wired Ethernet
#37 - Log to google spreadsheet
#38 - Timer switch
#39 - Sending GPIO input and output states not only on changes but also in regular intervals and at startup. (R98)
#40 - manually selectable I2C address for each device
#41 - Pulse output time increase to 1h or more (R82)
#42 - Support Souliss Home Automation controller
#43 - Use chip ID as AP-SSID
#44 - Output device that read switch position from controller at reboot
#45 - Make an icon for the OLED that changes with signal strength
#46 - Report uptime in seconds.
#47 - External watchdog (ATtiny85 solution)
#48 - Support for DS18S20, DS1820 sensors (R106)
#49 - Support for SSDP (R81)
#50 - Actuator support on Domoticz MQTT protocol (R82)
#51 - WOL packet receive (plugin available in the plugin playground)
#52 - SI1145 UV IR Visible Sensor I2C
#53 - RC522 RFID reader support
#54 - HTTP Authentication on Domoticz (R85)
#55 - add unit number to the saved config filename (R93)
#56 - Improve Wifi reconnect behavior (R95)
#57 - Toggle command for GPIO
#58 - Remotely configurable timer switch
#59 - Notifications for Pushbullet, Pushover or Ifttt
#60 - Add "Send state on every bootup" also to MCP/PCF plugins (R98)
#61 - Use hostname generic HTTP protocol if the controller hostname is configured instead of IP (R101)
#62 - Save config in XML/text
#63 - Support for APDS9960 Gesture Sensor
#64 - Support for simultanious multiple controller protocols
#65 - Support for FTP server
#66 - Support for persistent AP mode
#67 - Add SendToUDP command (R104)
#68 - MQTT retain flag (R121)
#69 - Support for rotary encoder
#70 - Support for SI1145 UV sensor
#71 - Add option for username/password to sendToHTTP rules command
#72 - Option to invert the wifi status led
#73 - Support for HTK16K33
#74 - Send client IP info to controller (cant use system info plugin as this is not a float/long...)
#75 - Configurable webserver port (80 or custom)
#76 - Support for Telegram messages
#77 - Add location field
#78 - Support for MPR121 capacitive touch sensor
#79 - Support for MAX721 LED Matrix controller
#80 - Support for Bluetooth presence detection


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