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Send command to HAGER FLASH heating switch

Posted: 18 May 2018, 18:11
by pouilld
RFLINK Gateway is supporting this device since V1.48, but there is no implementation in Domoticz.
With RFLINKLOADER one can see what data is sent to the FLASH device by the DIGICONTROL system.
In fact ON/OFF command qualifiers are sent to the FLASH device with a one byte field referenced as "D=xx" in the log.
I am trying to implement this device support in Domoticz, but I need to test the different commands that could be sent to the device.
When trying to send commands to the FLASH device with RFLINKLOADER, ON/OFF basic commands are accepted, but trying to send values for the "D=" field are rejected with an error (several syntax tried).
Proper command syntax related to the HAGER FLASH device is not described in the RFLINK protocol reference, and the development tree for V1.148 is not available on the RFLink blog (link points to V1.33).

Will it be possible to have the proper command syntax to send commands with RFLINKLOADER V1.48 to the FLASH device, including the "D" field and values/type/length accepted for that field ?
Thanks in advance,

Re: Send command to HAGER FLASH heating switch

Posted: 02 Nov 2023, 15:49
by snyfear

I am facing the same problem, i can see the current state of my Hager Thermoflash as all changes are correctly retreived by RFLINK, but state changes made from RFLINK are ignored by the Heater.
If you found the correct syntax to send order I would be interested to see it.

Thanks in advance,