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Hello from Groningen, NL

Posted: 14 Dec 2017, 00:20
by TD-er

I thought it would be nice to save my 100th post here to introduce myself :)
A few months ago, I started looking at those "too cheap to be good" chips, the ESP8266.
I already saw a few screenshots of ESPeasy appear on forum and was curious.

Fast forward a few months.
I already uploaded a few Pull request on the Github and hope many will follow (and accepted).

So I guess I'm hooked :roll:

My business card states I'm a software engineer, but I guess the most programming I have done the last few months was for ESPeasy :)
I usually do stuff in "Big Data", so it is nice to do something on the other side of the spectrum in my spare time.

For those who know "Groningen" in the Netherlands, may know lots of houses have to be reinforced here due to the earthquakes.
This means we have to get out of our house for a few months during which all the houses in our street are being demolished and rebuilt.
So that's a very good excuse for me to start thinking of how to create the best imaginable domotica system possible and also create the best in-house climate possible, using all kinds of sensors and ESPeasy of course.

I also started visiting the Domotica Meetups in Groningen, which is also good to get ideas and meet new people and get the nerd-vibe going.

Re: Hello from Groningen, NL

Posted: 14 Dec 2017, 05:48
by grovkillen
Great to have you ombord? :)