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Hello from Belgium!

Posted: 28 Oct 2015, 23:22
by tparvais

I'm Thomas from belgium

Quite new in esp8266... My first ones are on their way to home...

I have some experience in domotic with 1-wire (from hobby board ) , Pi, Nas, ...
I want to replace my various board with esp8266 and seems easy is really easy !
Push or pull data to my nas synollogy running domoticz

Mainly for data logging and maybe some basic actions

Hope to learn a lot here and why not contributing ? For example is there code for others 1- wire components ?



Re: Hello from Belgium!

Posted: 29 Oct 2015, 10:11
by rtenklooster
Dallas sensors are using 1-wire communications. You might check the wiki for this.
Have fun.

Re: Hello from Belgium!

Posted: 30 Oct 2015, 09:44
by tparvais
I read wiki about DS1820

I wanted to know how it will be possible to integrate 1-wire DS2423 (dual counter) or DS2438 (used for humidity, barometer, luminosity,...) ?

what's the logic behind plugin ? Is there some plugin template to be used to create new ones ?

Thank you