Building ESPEasy with Platformio

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Building ESPEasy with Platformio

#1 Post by ThomasB » 17 Jan 2025, 18:11

It's been a few weeks since I've sync'd my ESPEasy fork with the mothership. I see there are over 400 commits in the queue. And I recall that there were changes to the Espressif platform.

Is getting caught up as simple as doing a sync from my Github fork?
Do I need to do anything to my Platformio ESPEasy environment before I sync to my Github?

Basically asking if anything has changed in the last two months that would affect my ability to build the latest code. I don't want to start the process until confirmation that I have no need to worry. :)

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Re: Building ESPEasy with Platformio

#2 Post by TD-er » 17 Jan 2025, 19:29

Depends on what you had changed.

Typically I would create a branch on your local fork and then commit all changes you made into it.
Maybe also push it back to your fork on GitHub and then checkout your own mega branch again.
Then fetch the mega branch from the remote: letscontrolit/Espeasy.

Then try to merge 'mega' into your own branch and fix any merge conflicts.

You can also add a tag to your current last commit, but since you have made a separate branch for your own setup, you can always go back to it.

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Re: Building ESPEasy with Platformio

#3 Post by ThomasB » 17 Jan 2025, 21:36

I have an existing personal Github fork repo for ESPEasy. I've made no source code changes. My Platformio is setup so I can sync to my repo.

Currently my Platformio environment is up to date with the forked repo. Which is a copy of the letscontrolit master from weeks ago. It is out of date. Over 430 changes at master since then.

I just want my repo to perform a fresh sync with the master, then sync my build environment, then happily build without problems. But I worry that the big end-of-year ESPEasy code needs special attention because of the changes to the latest Espressif core stuff that I heard was used for WiFi improvements.

It seems I don't need to worry. Otherwise you would have foretold that my future was bleak. So I will move forward and sync my github repo, then sync platformio.

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Re: Building ESPEasy with Platformio

#4 Post by TD-er » 17 Jan 2025, 21:56

I don't see what the problem is, if you were just using it from a Git fork.
However you apparently have setup something else which should not be needed, so I guess I don't see the issues you think you're facing.
Not telling those are no real issues, just that I don't understand what you did to apparently have put in extra time and effort to create a build env.

When in doubt, you can always just create a ZIP or Rar file from whatever you have there.

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Re: Building ESPEasy with Platformio

#5 Post by Ath » 17 Jan 2025, 22:08

If you didn't change any source files (you can modify your Custom.h without getting into trouble), you can use these commands to get your local copy, and your fork, up to date:
(This assumes you have the mega branch active, and the remote setup as shown in the PlatformIO documentation page)
Commands to type in the VSCode/PlatformIO terminal (shortcut: Ctrl-Shift-backtick):

Code: Select all

git pull upstream mega   // Get all new stuff from the letscontrolit repo to your local system
git push                 // Upload all changes to your fork
(text I typed starting with // is comments, not part of the command)
Despite the number of changes, there shouldn't be any problem in updating, git is very robust in getting updates in the correct place in your local copy.

It can be a bit challenging if you have changed files that are also changed in ESPEasy, but going to the Source Control view in VSCode you can either Stash the changes (select multiple files by ctrl-clicking them), get stuff updated as I wrote above, then use Apply stash to re-apply your changes.
/Ton (

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Re: Building ESPEasy with Platformio

#6 Post by ThomasB » 17 Jan 2025, 23:05

After syncing my personal repo, I did my usual stash-fetch-pull-pop dance in Platformio. Followed by a build.

Success! Now up to date with the recent changes. Life is good. :)

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Re: Building ESPEasy with Platformio

#7 Post by TD-er » 17 Jan 2025, 23:10


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