Duco RF

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Duco RF

#1 Post by RichardVerschoor » 22 Jan 2024, 10:03


I am very interested in RF link and I am preparing to use it for multiple sensor solutions, but also very curious if the Duco RF ventilation is also supported on the 868Mhz?

It involves this protocol:
112733146-7fcfc800-8f3e-11eb-84f7-b0eee3845c14.jpg (115.18 KiB) Viewed 6063 times
112733149-82cab880-8f3e-11eb-87fc-3dac438977b5.jpg (175.94 KiB) Viewed 6063 times
Thank you for your time! Hopefully anyone can give some clarification soon.

Best regards,

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Re: Duco RF

#2 Post by Stef2s » 25 Mar 2024, 22:06

hello Richard,
I don't know the answer to your question (yet), but I started a few days ago with EspEasy to control a Ducobox Energy Premium.

I used the sources of arnemauer and until now I can:
- set the ventilation mode through 868 MHz (couldn't find a serial command for that)
- set the flow between 10% and 90% through the serial line (couldn't find a RF command for that)
in fact that looks enough to build a complete control center for the Ducobox, without the need of the communication print and/or Duco switches and sensors.

The reason why i wanted to have full control is that the residents of the house are very sensitive to noise, so I want absolute minimum ventilation. Every room in the house has an inlet and an exhaust with a valve in each pipe.

At the moment I'm testing what I can do with the rules in EspEasy, to extend the system with the control of the valves, CO2-sensors and Nextion Display for user-control and user-feedback. (The residents do not like a home automation system, so I try to avoid that.

What's your application and why do want to know these protocol details ?

cheers, Stef

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Re: Duco RF

#3 Post by lakime » 21 Jan 2025, 12:55

Hey Guys

Any progress here? I have some issue, I even have purchased rtl-sdk to sniff the signal ... I have fetched some signal using
rtl_433 -f 868000000 -A -X 'n=name,m=FSK_PWM,s=1,l=1,r=1024'
but not sure what to do with it as it doesn't seem to be decoded and understandable for me

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