If you didn't change any source files (you
can modify your Custom.h without getting into trouble), you can use these commands to get your local copy, and your fork, up to date:
(This assumes you have the mega branch active, and the remote setup as shown in the PlatformIO documentation page)
Commands to type in the VSCode/PlatformIO terminal (shortcut: Ctrl-Shift-backtick):
Code: Select all
git pull upstream mega // Get all new stuff from the letscontrolit repo to your local system
git push // Upload all changes to your fork
(text I typed starting with // is comments, not part of the command)
Despite the number of changes, there shouldn't be any problem in updating, git is very robust in getting updates in the correct place in your local copy.
It can be a bit challenging if you have changed files that are also changed in ESPEasy, but going to the Source Control view in VSCode you can either Stash the changes (select multiple files by ctrl-clicking them), get stuff updated as I wrote above, then use Apply stash to re-apply your changes.