Up to date PiOS32 install.
Went through the motions and everything started fine
Excellent start. Looks nice and familiar too.
It seems python3 packages need to be installed globally (sudo) and not as the local user.
though I've not tried to run RPIEasy.py without sudo yet, sees I can't as I lose web access, shame. (just tested)
I don't have a DHT device to use at the moment, but Adafruit module has been deprecated archive for a long time, look at something else or moving to Circuit Python. Not only will you get a lot of other sensors, LoraWAN & TTN etc with that. But it may make moving it over to other devices easier?
Lacks the SDS010 Particle Sensor I use, not to worry, I'm just playing as it looks interesting.
Lacks BME680 and if you try to get that working, you could move to using the BSEC and reading from that.
BME280, good
DS180B20 good, but not got one attached, (these work better on the ESP thought)
Lots of interesting things there too.
Module installing just worked Easy
SystemInfo is providing a CPU Temp (I assume it's using vcgencmd measure_temp ?) not checked the code.
Would be nice to have additional info there, like throttling, low power warning etc
GUI - Dashboard, interesting.
P.S. I like the ability to force a 'Run' could add that to ESPEasy?
GPS, now this should be called GNSS as that is the overreaching name for it. GPS is the US only system.
I have a GNSS (ublox8) device so have GLANASS etc, or are you only looking for GP* rather than GN* NMEA.
Looks like it's serial only.
It would be nice and maybe better to use gpsd and let it worry about the interface and reading of a device.
or peak at pynmea2 module. It would open up more Values.
P.S. you could set the serial port and console from within the interface, you can issue the command from the terminal for us. Then ask/force a reboot? something like
Code: Select all
raspi-config nonint do_serial 1 0
Is 'Fix' accessible as a variable?
Over all I'm liking it
Looking at the variables, it could still do (as could ESPEasy) with having ISO time, a more universal method of time transfer.
this is what I use in Python3, or variants of this code.
Code: Select all
# 2018-08-25T14:23:45+00:00
thankyou for making this.