SonOff POW R2 support

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Re: SonOff POW R2 support

#54 Post by Djoe » 31 Aug 2018, 11:23

I think I have understood.

My gold was to work as a "push" system.
In my CSE settings, I have put 0 (zero) in "Interval" field.
I was thinking than a trigger was coming when a value is changing (like the "Generic system info" with the RSSI or UPTIME).
It was a mistake.

When I put for instance 10 (seconds) in this "Interval" field, I receive the events:

Code: Select all

Aug 30 22:42:33 POW EspEasy: EVENT: POW#Voltage=233.91
Aug 30 22:42:33 POW EspEasy: EVENT: POW#Power=0.00
Aug 30 22:42:33 POW EspEasy: EVENT: POW#Current=0.00
Aug 30 22:42:33 POW EspEasy: EVENT: POW#Pulses=1.79
Aug 30 22:42:49 POW EspEasy: WD   : Uptime 80 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 14672
Aug 30 22:43:17 POW EspEasy: SYS  : -72.00
Aug 30 22:43:17 POW EspEasy: EVENT: WIFI#RSSI=-72.00
Aug 30 22:43:17 POW EspEasy: SYS  : 80.00
Aug 30 22:43:17 POW EspEasy: EVENT: SONOFF#Uptime=80.00
Aug 30 22:43:17 POW EspEasy:  Domoticz: Sensortype: 1 idx: 83 values: 80.00
Aug 30 22:43:19 POW EspEasy: WD   : Uptime 80 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 14672
Aug 30 22:43:33 POW EspEasy: EVENT: POW#Voltage=234.20
Aug 30 22:43:33 POW EspEasy: EVENT: POW#Power=0.00
Aug 30 22:43:33 POW EspEasy: EVENT: POW#Current=0.00
Aug 30 22:43:33 POW EspEasy: EVENT: POW#Pulses=1.79
It work like a "pull" system.
Every 10 second, I request the CSE chip to refresh all values.

So now I understand why you are using dummy device in your POW.
The goal is to store in the ESP the last value, to only send HTTP when a value is changing.

So you recreate a "push" system through a "pull" config in the ESP...

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Re: SonOff POW R2 support

#55 Post by sincze » 01 Sep 2018, 15:44

Indeed I use Dummy devices to only send data to domoticz if something was changed

Could you try the following: DIVIDE AND CONQUER

Rules 1:

Code: Select all

On System#Boot do
	TaskValueSet 5,1,0
	TaskValueSet 5,2,0
	TaskValueSet 5,3,0
	TaskValueSet 5,4,0

on Rules#Timer=1 do  					
	if [Calculation#Voltage]!=[Energy#Voltage]
		SendToHTTP <ipadres>,8080,/json.htm?type=command&param=udevice&idx=600&nvalue=0&svalue=[Energy#Voltage] // Voltage
		TaskValueSet 5,1,[Energy#Voltage]

	if [Calculation#Power]!=[Energy#Power]
		SendToHTTP <ipadres>,8080,/json.htm?type=command&param=udevice&idx=603&nvalue=0&svalue=[Energy#Power] // KwH.
		SendToHTTP <ipadres>,8080,/json.htm?type=command&param=udevice&idx=608&nvalue=0&svalue=[Energy#Power] // Watt
		TaskValueSet 5,2,[Energy#Power]

	if [Calculation#Current]!=[Energy#Current]
		SendToHTTP <ipadres>,8080,/json.htm?type=command&param=udevice&idx=604&nvalue=0&svalue=[Energy#Current] // Amp
		TaskValueSet 5,3,[Energy#Current]

	TaskValueSet 5,4,[Energy#Pulses]

Rules 2

Code: Select all


on lamp_on do

on lamp_off do

on SW_1#Switch do
	if [SW_1#Switch]=1
Rules 3

Code: Select all

on Clock#Time=All,**:*0 do
	SendToHTTP <ipadres>,8080,/json.htm?type=command&param=udevice&idx=600&nvalue=0&svalue=[Energy#Voltage]
	SendToHTTP <ipadres>,8080,/json.htm?type=command&param=udevice&idx=608&nvalue=0&svalue=[Energy#Power]
	SendToHTTP <ipadres>,8080,/json.htm?type=command&param=udevice&idx=603&nvalue=0&svalue=[Energy#Power]
	SendToHTTP <ipadres>,8080,/json.htm?type=command&param=udevice&idx=604&nvalue=0&svalue=[Energy#Current]
That should give you the result you want. :D and leave the interval at 10 as you discovered.

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Re: SonOff POW R2 support

#56 Post by Djoe » 02 Sep 2018, 06:17

Yes now it's working, I have simplify the rules like this :

Code: Select all

On Button#State do // To have the local button working for ON OFF
 if [Relay#State]=1

On System#Boot do // To have the relay ON after reboot

On WIFI#RSSI do // To send voltage every 5 minutes
 SendToHTTP ip,8080,/json.htm?type=command&param=udevice&idx=88&nvalue=0&svalue=[POW#Voltage]

On POW#Current do // To send power and current only when the current change
 if [POW#Current]!=[LAST#Current]
  SendToHTTP ip,8080,/json.htm?type=command&param=udevice&idx=89&nvalue=0&svalue=[POW#Power]
  SendToHTTP ip,8080,/json.htm?type=command&param=udevice&idx=90&nvalue=0&svalue=[POW#Current]
  TaskValueSet 6,1,[POW#Power]
  TaskValueSet 6,2,[POW#Current]
I trigger the Current only and not the Power because the power is changing to mush time (to avoid a JSON push every 10 sec).

The interval on the WIFI device is 300 sec.
The interval on CSE device is 10 sec.

The only last issue is that my device is rebooting regularly.

Code: Select all

Boot	Manual reboot (26)
Reset Reason	Hardware Watchdog
I think it's normal because the CSE code is in development / testing.
I have disabled it just now to see if the reboot continue or not for the next 48 hours.

I have never try to go in the code to debug the plugin..
I have download Visual Studio Code and PlaformIO plugin but when I load the source code I have some issue...

Have you try to go in the code to understand better how it work ?

Have a good week-end!

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Re: SonOff POW R2 support

#57 Post by TD-er » 02 Sep 2018, 09:32

This hardware watchdog issue has been reported a lot by other users and for now I have not really a clue what is causing it.

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Re: SonOff POW R2 support

#58 Post by sincze » 02 Sep 2018, 09:49

I did not see the HW watchdog.

Does it stop measuring and then reboot?
Or just reboot without any notice?

As a reboot results in a system that is -off- I should have noticed. :)

It is monitoring my stove. So not in use daily however switched on.
To avoid red bars in domoticz I push all data every 10 minutes at least. "":"0. Can of course be modified to every hour/day or so.

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Re: SonOff POW R2 support

#59 Post by sincze » 02 Sep 2018, 12:56

Talk of the devil.. First hardware watchdog this morning at 11:46.
Would it be the 10 sec read-out?

Unfortunately the following does not switch the relais on after the reboot .. well after a reboot it switches on for 1 sec and then back off.
So maybe it starts with the rules from there.. Don't know yet.

Code: Select all

On System#Boot do // To have the relay ON after reboot
Same if I set the hardware GPIO to HIGH by default... it is the same result. On for 1 sec and then back off.

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Re: SonOff POW R2 support

#60 Post by Djoe » 05 Sep 2018, 09:06

"well after a reboot it switches on for 1 sec and then back off"

I had a behavior like this a couple of week before, I have changed the mega version and the issue was solved.
Actually I'm testing mega-20180804 and the relay stay on after reboot.


The POW is my only device which have hardware watchdog.
I have try to disabled the CMS plugin : no better results.
I have deleted the CMS plugin in the device tab : no better results.

I have 2 other Sonoff Basic (with external sensors) + 1 Sonoff Touch (without external sensor) that reboot regularly (1000 to 4000 minutes uptime).
But there is no reference to a "Reset reason".. For instance:

Uptime 0 days 1 hours 38 minutes
Load 8% (LC=12409)
Free Mem 12896 (12112 - sendContentBlocking)
Boot Manual reboot (37)

I have only 1 Sonoff Basic (without external sensor) with a big uptime (more than 40000 minutes). The installed firmware is mega-20180503...

When I will have more time I will try to go in your code..... I hope it will not be a empty promise !

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Re: SonOff POW R2 support

#61 Post by Djoe » 09 Sep 2018, 07:25


I have found the issue about

Code: Select all

On System#Boot do // To have the relay ON after reboot
to avoid switching on then off after 1 sec. I guest that you have a switch in domoticz to control the relay in the POW, and the issue come from domoticz in my automation. It's strange because the mega-20180808 didn't have this issue (all release after have the "issue").

You have to :
- let the "Pin mode 12" as default in "GPIO boot states"
- put 0sec interval in the relay device (gpio-12)
- untick the "send boot state" in the relay device

I saw a mix between the command from the POW to domoticz (to yes "hey I'm switched on"), and the command from domoticz to the POW (the domoticz switch, when it receive a ON state, send back the same command to the POW, so a gpio,12,1). It's not clear for me who is send the command before the real state of the POW's relay, but if you don't send the initial state to the domoticz server, it working on my side.

If you put a interval greater than 0, it's send the initial state too.

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Re: SonOff POW R2 support

#62 Post by sincze » 09 Sep 2018, 11:26

Djoe wrote: 09 Sep 2018, 07:25
You have to :
- let the "Pin mode 12" as default in "GPIO boot states"
- put 0sec interval in the relay device (gpio-12)
- untick the "send boot state" in the relay device

If you put a interval greater than 0, it's send the initial state too.
Tnx :D , got it. And have implemented your suggestions 1,2,3. DId not try the interval > 0 yet.
Issued a: Tools -> Reboot ESP.

The Relais Switch value stays 0, i would expect 1. Will have to walk to the machine to view the actual state. :D

By the way all Sonoff would have a 1024 Flash I believe. Preventing OTA update, so that is what I thought.
Playing around with your suggestions. I noticed:

Code: Select all

Flash Chip ID	Vendor: 0xEF Device: 0x4016
Flash Chip Real Size:	4096 kB
Flash IDE Size:	1024 kB
Flash IDE speed:	40 MHz
Flash IDE mode:	DOUT
I guess OTA update is possible for the POW R2?

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Re: SonOff POW R2 support

#63 Post by TD-er » 09 Sep 2018, 22:14

If that one really has a 4 MB flash, it would be worth to flash to 4M version.
Only thing is, you will have to flash it either using a 2-step OTA or via serial.
You will also loose the settings.

In short, the flash layout is:
Active sketch => free space for OTA => SPIFFS (filesystem for settings) => end of flash-space.
There is more, but generally speaking, the flash has this layout.

So changing from 1M to 4M will erase the SPIFFS and thus your settings.
Also, for an OTA update there is simply no room when it is setup for 1M flash.

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Re: SonOff POW R2 support

#64 Post by Djoe » 11 Sep 2018, 09:14

All my sonoff basic have 1024 flash (v1.1 and R2).
All my sonoff pow have 4096 flash (only R2).

I always update my POW through OTA without any issue (I use the dev-4096 release).

About sonoff basic, I only update through serial connection.
The 2-step OTA firmware is too big to be store in the free space of a 1024 flash (if we use the "ready to use" firmware in each the release) :
- Sketch Size 660 kB (212 kB free)
- we need 276848 free space for the ESPEasyUploaderMega

But I haven't yet compile my own firmware, perhaps it's the better solution to reduce the size of the firmware..
I will do... when I will have time... Like everybody :-)

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Re: SonOff POW R2 support

#65 Post by sincze » 11 Sep 2018, 14:31

Ota update possible from 1024 version to 4096 release?

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Re: SonOff POW R2 support

#66 Post by sincze » 14 Sep 2018, 18:57

I moved the Sonoff from powering stove + led strip to just the Stove.

It has now been running for several days without a hardware watchdog reset :lol: :D
Sonoff POW R2-5-days.JPG
Sonoff POW R2-5-days.JPG (36.78 KiB) Viewed 38600 times

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Re: SonOff POW R2 support

#67 Post by Djoe » 15 Sep 2018, 07:29

I continue to have hardware watchdog (every day)..
I have read a little bit more about it, it's triggered when the watchdog timer is not reset during 8 sec.
So that mean that the code is in a deadlock somewhere (probably)..

I just arrive this evening to compile the firmware..
Investigation is continuing...

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Re: SonOff POW R2 support

#68 Post by TD-er » 16 Sep 2018, 10:48

Djoe wrote: 15 Sep 2018, 07:29 Strange..
I continue to have hardware watchdog (every day)..
I have read a little bit more about it, it's triggered when the watchdog timer is not reset during 8 sec.
So that mean that the code is in a deadlock somewhere (probably)..

I just arrive this evening to compile the firmware..
Investigation is continuing...
A lot of people have reported these and it is well on my radar.
If you found something, please open a new topic about it here on the forum.

My suspicion is something network related since updating to core library 2.4.2:

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Re: SonOff POW R2 support

#69 Post by sincze » 20 Sep 2018, 20:30

TD-er wrote: 16 Sep 2018, 10:48
A lot of people have reported these and it is well on my radar.
If you found something, please open a new topic about it here on the forum.

My suspicion is something network related since updating to core library 2.4.2:
Mmm I guess @TD'er is looking in the right direction. My POW R2 works fine..
However when I make WIFI changes (as I just bought UnifI stuff for the complete house) and do something with the WIFI (restart, enable functionalities) the POW R2 watchdog kicks is.. If I leave the WIFI network alone... it runs fine for at least 6 days...

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Re: SonOff POW R2 support

#70 Post by grovkillen » 20 Sep 2018, 20:39

We really need to test how different WiFi environments is working with our firmware. We suspect that it has more impact on the system then previously thought.

A great deal is happening behind the scenes now that we're turning this initiative into a company but we hope to pick up the speed soon.
ESP Easy Flasher [flash tool and wifi setup at flash time]
ESP Easy Webdumper [easy screendumping of your units]
ESP Easy Netscan [find units]
Official shop:
Sponsor ESP Easy, we need you :idea: :idea: :idea:

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Re: SonOff POW R2 support

#71 Post by sincze » 23 Sep 2018, 11:37

grovkillen wrote: 20 Sep 2018, 20:39 We really need to test how different WiFi environments is working with our firmware. We suspect that it has more impact on the system then previously thought.

A great deal is happening behind the scenes now that we're turning this initiative into a company but we hope to pick up the speed soon.
Excellent, just some more things I noticed:
I've been using this ESPEasy on several devices from the reliable 1.xx versions (uptime 23908 minutes) to the latest development builds..
After reading some more about my Unifi hardware it seems that every changes where my AP's are involved will result in a restart (reboot) of the specific AP. All clients will lose communication.
- When you make a configuration change, all involved AP's will reboot. So changes have to be done outside office hours if you don't want unhappy users.
For version 1.x this does not seem to matter. (uptime 23908 minutes)
For the later ESP versions after AP reboot:

WEMOS: ESP_Easy_mega-20180606_normal_ESP8266_4096.bin -> Reset Reason Hardware Watchdog -> (201) No AP found
POW2: ESP_Easy_mega-20180723_dev_ESP8266_1024.bin -> Reset Reason Hardware Watchdog -> Last Disconnect Reason (1) Unspecified

I never noticed an error before as they just reconnect fine and continue to work.
However downside for the POW2 is that the relais switches off,and it seems I am unable to tell it to automatically go back on after a reboot.

Ah and indeed a watchdog kick in for a temporarily wifi loss... :lol: seems a bit of an overkill. Hope you guys can fix it..

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Re: SonOff POW R2 support

#72 Post by sincze » 03 Oct 2018, 20:14

After not touching my wifi settings and leaving them as is. that means working ;-) the ESP is still online.
Sonoff POW R2-9-days.JPG
Sonoff POW R2-9-days.JPG (23.09 KiB) Viewed 35204 times
So I guess we are looking in the right direction regarding the wifi being the root cause of the watchdog resets.

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Re: SonOff POW R2 support

#73 Post by Djoe » 26 Oct 2018, 08:43

Hi all,

On my side I'm in the same situation..
My pow, without changing the firmware version, have a 59165 minutes uptime...
And, or course, if I have changed a config somewhere, I don't remember what...

Have a good day !

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Re: SonOff POW R2 support

#74 Post by garvarma » 15 Dec 2018, 12:25

Hello to everyone,

I saw that you are using espeasy in sonoff pow. I have 4 sonoff pow and would like to add espeasy. Which bin file are you using?


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Re: SonOff POW R2 support

#75 Post by sincze » 18 Dec 2018, 17:15

I'am using
POW2: ESP_Easy_mega-20180723_dev_ESP8266_1024.bin

But maybe I can flash it somehow to a 4096 version.. :lol:

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Re: SonOff POW R2 support

#76 Post by 1CM69 » 03 Apr 2019, 12:31

Hi all,
I have just successfully flashed my 1st Sonoff POW R2 with EasyESP but seem to be stuck at one step.

On my iPhone I have selected the ESP_0 WiFi network & entered configesp as the password, opened up a browser page on my iPhone & have been confronted by the Log In ESP_0 screen.

So, I can see my home network SSID in the list which I select but here is where I am stuck.

Where the input box is for password, is this the WiFi Key for my home network that I should be entering here, I think that possibly it is.

If it is then there is an issue because I keep on entering my WiFi Key and it counts down from 20 seconds but does not display an IP address for the Sonoff but only a page with a link back to the the setup page.

Any help would be appreciated

By the way, I am flashing using R120 & have tried 1024 & 4096 bin


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Re: SonOff POW R2 support

#77 Post by 1CM69 » 03 Apr 2019, 18:57

1CM69 wrote: 03 Apr 2019, 12:31 Hi all,
I have just successfully flashed my 1st Sonoff POW R2 with EasyESP but seem to be stuck at one step.

On my iPhone I have selected the ESP_0 WiFi network & entered configesp as the password, opened up a browser page on my iPhone & have been confronted by the Log In ESP_0 screen.

So, I can see my home network SSID in the list which I select but here is where I am stuck.

Where the input box is for password, is this the WiFi Key for my home network that I should be entering here, I think that possibly it is.

If it is then there is an issue because I keep on entering my WiFi Key and it counts down from 20 seconds but does not display an IP address for the Sonoff but only a page with a link back to the the setup page.

Any help would be appreciated

By the way, I am flashing using R120 & have tried 1024 & 4096 bin

Right I have finally got somewhere after hours of messing around.

I eventually found and downloaded ESPEasy Mega & by a process of elimination I have found that I have two working Sonoff POW R2 switches by flashing with 20190315_normal_ESP8266_1M.bin & choosing the 'force DOUT' option

What I would now like to be able to do is PING each switch to check whether it is connected via a python script running on my Raspberry Pi, any pointers here :)


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Re: SonOff POW R2 support

#78 Post by 1CM69 » 03 Apr 2019, 20:50

1CM69 wrote: 03 Apr 2019, 18:57
1CM69 wrote: 03 Apr 2019, 12:31 Hi all,
I have just successfully flashed my 1st Sonoff POW R2 with EasyESP but seem to be stuck at one step.

On my iPhone I have selected the ESP_0 WiFi network & entered configesp as the password, opened up a browser page on my iPhone & have been confronted by the Log In ESP_0 screen.

So, I can see my home network SSID in the list which I select but here is where I am stuck.

Where the input box is for password, is this the WiFi Key for my home network that I should be entering here, I think that possibly it is.

If it is then there is an issue because I keep on entering my WiFi Key and it counts down from 20 seconds but does not display an IP address for the Sonoff but only a page with a link back to the the setup page.

Any help would be appreciated

By the way, I am flashing using R120 & have tried 1024 & 4096 bin

Right I have finally got somewhere after hours of messing around.

I eventually found and downloaded ESPEasy Mega & by a process of elimination I have found that I have two working Sonoff POW R2 switches by flashing with 20190315_normal_ESP8266_1M.bin & choosing the 'force DOUT' option

What I would now like to be able to do is PING each switch to check whether it is connected via a python script running on my Raspberry Pi, any pointers here :)

Made a little more headway.

A very small Python script running via scheduled CRON jobs at set intervals on my Raspberry Pi:

Code: Select all

from urllib2 import urlopen

from BME280 import cTemp

if cTemp < 6:
There's probably a neater way to do this but it does work.

All I need to be able to do now is communicate from my Raspberry Pi to the Sonoff POW R2 to make sure that it is powered on prior to running the above script.


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Re: SonOff POW R2 support

#79 Post by 1CM69 » 04 Apr 2019, 15:34

1CM69 wrote: 03 Apr 2019, 20:50
1CM69 wrote: 03 Apr 2019, 18:57
1CM69 wrote: 03 Apr 2019, 12:31 Hi all,
I have just successfully flashed my 1st Sonoff POW R2 with EasyESP but seem to be stuck at one step.

On my iPhone I have selected the ESP_0 WiFi network & entered configesp as the password, opened up a browser page on my iPhone & have been confronted by the Log In ESP_0 screen.

So, I can see my home network SSID in the list which I select but here is where I am stuck.

Where the input box is for password, is this the WiFi Key for my home network that I should be entering here, I think that possibly it is.

If it is then there is an issue because I keep on entering my WiFi Key and it counts down from 20 seconds but does not display an IP address for the Sonoff but only a page with a link back to the the setup page.

Any help would be appreciated

By the way, I am flashing using R120 & have tried 1024 & 4096 bin

Right I have finally got somewhere after hours of messing around.

I eventually found and downloaded ESPEasy Mega & by a process of elimination I have found that I have two working Sonoff POW R2 switches by flashing with 20190315_normal_ESP8266_1M.bin & choosing the 'force DOUT' option

What I would now like to be able to do is PING each switch to check whether it is connected via a python script running on my Raspberry Pi, any pointers here :)

Made a little more headway.

A very small Python script running via scheduled CRON jobs at set intervals on my Raspberry Pi:

Code: Select all

from urllib2 import urlopen

from BME280 import cTemp

if cTemp < 6:
There's probably a neater way to do this but it does work.

All I need to be able to do now is communicate from my Raspberry Pi to the Sonoff POW R2 to make sure that it is powered on prior to running the above script.

Made a slight tweak to the Python script because I have two POW R2 switches.

Each switch controls an electric heater that is connected via a dual rate Economy 7 meter which is only powered between certain hours through the night for cheap rate electricity.

I initially had the switches to default to on in case of a power outage but quickly realised this would be no good as they would be energised irrespective of the outside temperature.

My script is run every 15 mins via CRON on my Raspberry Pi during these cheap rate hours and if the temp that my BME280 sensor from my attached weather station registers below 6°C during a script run the switches will power on until the next script run cycle where again it will check the temp and either stay powered on or power down the switches etc...

Here's the script:

Code: Select all

from urllib2 import urlopen

from BME280 import cTemp


if cTemp < 6:

        urlopen('http://[SWITCH1 IP]/control?cmd=GPIO,12,1')
        urlopen('http://[SWITCH2 IP]/control?cmd=GPIO,12,1')
    print('POWER ON')


        urlopen('http://[SWITCH1 IP]/control?cmd=GPIO,12,0')
        urlopen('http://[SWITCH2 IP]/control?cmd=GPIO,12,0')
    print('POWER OFF')
A bit rough I know but it works, I'll tweak over time, maybe something to check state of switch before actioning power state & notify me if a switch has gone down.

For now though I added a TRY, EXCEPT just to catch the exception if a switch is not connected.


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Re: SonOff POW R2 support

#80 Post by nikagl » 23 Apr 2019, 00:24

Hi all,

I am using "ESP_Easy_mega-20190315_hard_SONOFF_POW_4M" which looked like the version I had to use (other versions didn't have the energy device).

The "Energy (AC) - CSE7766 (POW r2) [TESTING]" device shows Voltage, Power, Current and Pulses just fine and I can send it to my Domotica software (HS2).

I was trying to use EmonCMS though to track power and such (like I do with Temp and Humidity on a TH10), but as soon as I add the Controller to the Device, logging will show the following error:

Code: Select all

emoncms : Unknown sensortype or too many sensor values
In my PHP server which hosts emoncms it looks like nothing is coming into the webserver, so I guess the PowR2 is not even sending the data?

Any thoughts?



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Re: SonOff POW R2 support

#81 Post by nikagl » 13 May 2019, 21:49

Additionally it turns out my pow2 also suffers from the watchdog issue... what do you need for debugging? From syslog logging I do not see anything specific:

Code: Select all

2019-05-09 06:53:48	Kernel.Notice	x.x.x.x	Pow2 EspEasy: WD   : Uptime 1033 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 20904 WiFiStatus 3
2019-05-09 06:54:00	Kernel.Notice	x.x.x.x	Pow2 EspEasy: EVENT: Clock#Time=Thu,04:54
2019-05-09 06:54:18	Kernel.Notice	x.x.x.x	Pow2 EspEasy: Webserver: start
2019-05-09 06:54:18	Kernel.Notice	x.x.x.x	Pow2 EspEasy: NTP  : NTP replied: delay 20 mSec Accuracy increased by 0.835 seconds
2019-05-09 06:54:18	Kernel.Notice	x.x.x.x	Pow2 EspEasy: Time adjusted by -1557377653632.74 msec. Wander: -432604903.79 msec/second
2019-05-09 06:54:18	Kernel.Notice	x.x.x.x	Pow2 EspEasy: Current Time Zone: STD time start: 2019-10-27 03:00:00 offset: 0 min
2019-05-09 06:54:18	Kernel.Notice	x.x.x.x	Pow2 EspEasy: EVENT: Time#Initialized
2019-05-09 06:54:18	Kernel.Notice	x.x.x.x	Pow2 EspEasy: EVENT: Clock#Time=Thu,04:54
2019-05-09 06:54:44	Kernel.Notice	x.x.x.x	Pow2 EspEasy: EVENT: Energy#Voltage=235.77
2019-05-09 06:54:44	Kernel.Notice	x.x.x.x	Pow2 EspEasy: EVENT: Energy#Power=0.00
2019-05-09 06:54:44	Kernel.Notice	x.x.x.x	Pow2 EspEasy: EVENT: Energy#Current=0.00
2019-05-09 06:54:44	Kernel.Notice	x.x.x.x	Pow2 EspEasy: EVENT: Energy#Pulses=14197.00
2019-05-09 06:54:45	Kernel.Notice	x.x.x.x	Pow2 EspEasy: WD   : Uptime 1 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 21352 WiFiStatus 3
2019-05-09 06:55:00	Kernel.Notice	x.x.x.x	Pow2 EspEasy: EVENT: Clock#Time=Thu,04:55
2019-05-09 06:55:14	Kernel.Notice	x.x.x.x	Pow2 EspEasy: SYS  : 1.00,21112.00,27.90,3344.00
2019-05-09 06:55:14	Kernel.Notice	x.x.x.x	Pow2 EspEasy: EVENT: Sysinfo#Uptime=1.00
2019-05-09 06:55:14	Kernel.Notice	x.x.x.x	Pow2 EspEasy: EVENT: Sysinfo#RAM=21112.00
2019-05-09 06:55:14	Kernel.Notice	x.x.x.x	Pow2 EspEasy: EVENT: Sysinfo#Load=27.90
2019-05-09 06:55:14	Kernel.Notice	x.x.x.x	Pow2 EspEasy: EVENT: Sysinfo#Stack=3344.00
2019-05-09 06:55:14	Kernel.Notice	x.x.x.x	Pow2 EspEasy: EVENT: Energy#Voltage=236.34
2019-05-09 06:55:14	Kernel.Notice	x.x.x.x	Pow2 EspEasy: EVENT: Energy#Power=0.00
2019-05-09 06:55:14	Kernel.Notice	x.x.x.x	Pow2 EspEasy: EVENT: Energy#Current=0.00
2019-05-09 06:55:14	Kernel.Notice	x.x.x.x	Pow2 EspEasy: EVENT: Energy#Pulses=14222.00
2019-05-09 06:55:15	Kernel.Notice	x.x.x.x	Pow2 EspEasy: WD   : Uptime 1 ConnectFailures 0 FreeMem 21280 WiFiStatus 3

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Re: SonOff POW R2 support

#82 Post by sincze » 14 May 2019, 18:39

I started working with the Pow 2 on the following release:

Code: Select all

Binary filename	ESP_Easy_mega-20180723_dev_ESP8266_1024.bin

Flash Chip ID	Vendor: 0xEF Device: 0x4016
Flash Chip Real Size:	4096 kB
Flash IDE Size:	1024 kB
Flash IDE speed:	40 MHz
Flash IDE mode:	DOUT
Flash Writes	0 daily / 0 boot
Sketch Size	781 kB (92 kB free)
So flashed the 1024 in a 4096 chip. It works fine (sometimes is is switched off when wifi signal is bad or so).

What would at the moment be the best way to update to the latest version...
I've found this info in the thread:
Only thing is, you will have to flash it either using a 2-step OTA or via serial.
You will also loose the settings.

In short, the flash layout is:
Active sketch => free space for OTA => SPIFFS (filesystem for settings) => end of flash-space.
There is more, but generally speaking, the flash has this layout.

So changing from 1M to 4M will erase the SPIFFS and thus your settings.
Also, for an OTA update there is simply no room when it is setup for 1M flash.
Help appreciated.

"You load the OTA bin file first and then you load the "real" bin file. Make sure you have everything backuped"

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Re: SonOff POW R2 support

#83 Post by nikagl » 17 May 2019, 22:57

I simply updated using Tools > Update Firmware > Choose File > Update

After reboot it was updated to the latest release:

Build:⋄ 20103 - Mega
System Libraries:⋄ ESP82xx Core 2_4_2, NONOS SDK 2.2.1(cfd48f3), LWIP: 2.0.3 PUYA support
Git Build:⋄ mega-20190511
Plugins:⋄ 7 [Normal] [Sonoff POW R1/R2]
Build Md5: ae193a1e5e4afda08dc5e77a4c1d46ef
Md5 check: passed.
Build Time:⋄ May 11 2019 02:37:15
Binary Filename:⋄ ESP_Easy_mega-20190511_hard_SONOFF_POW_4M.bin

I downloaded the latest zip (in my case from here:

Unzipped it and uploaded "ESP_Easy_mega-20190511_hard_SONOFF_POW_4M.bin".



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Re: SonOff POW R2 support

#84 Post by fluppie » 23 Dec 2020, 23:27

emoncms : Unknown sensortype or too many sensor values

This issue will be solved :-) ... 07.ino#L62

TD-er is aware and will fix it :-)

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