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Draft version!!!


Plugin 079: Wemos Motorshield

This Plugin in currently only available in the latest mega build github

It is labeled for Testing. https://www.letscontrolit.com/wiki/index.php/Official_plugin_list

This Plugin is for the Wemos Motorshield [1] which is controlled over the I2C protocol.


This Plugin works with the Wemos Motorshield.

pic to be inserted!!!


Piotr Bugalski has re-written the firmware for this motorshield, and published it at https://github.com/pbugalski/wemos_motor_shield. The new firmware is compatible with the old one, minus the hanging and crashing, so it should be perfect for a drop-in replacement.

Here is how you can flash it to your shield.


Short the RTS and the 3V pins on the shield together, like this: pic to be inserted!!!

And the connect the main pins of the shield to your USB2TTL as follows: GND ↔ GND 3V3 ↔ 3V3 (or VCC or whatever it is called on your USB2TTL) D2 ↔ TX D1 ↔ RX and connect it to your computer.

Download the motor_shield.bin: https://cdn.hackaday.io/files/18439788894176/motor_shield.bin or https://github.com/pbugalski/wemos_motor_shield

Download STM32Flash from here https://sourceforge.net/projects/stm32flash/files/ Extract and put the above files into a directory Plug in your USB serial device and make a note of the COM port it uses

Those of you who want to do this using Window's 8/10: Window Command Prompt cd to the directory 1) stm32flash.exe COM8 "replace with your port number" 2) stm32flash.exe -k COM8 This will unlock your shield 3) stm32flash.exe -f -v -w motor_shield.bin COM8 this will flash the bin and re-lock the shield.

Then disconnect all the wires (including the RTS pin), connect the shield to your WeMos D1 Mini, and it should work.

see also: https://hackaday.io/project/18439-motor-shield-reprogramming


The Plugin is based on based on this library: https://github.com/wemos/WEMOS_Motor_Shield_Arduino_Library

ESP Easy

Flash Testing version of ESPeasy in order to used the plugin.

Use the device tab on the ESP Easy webinterface and create a new task by editing one of the available tasks.

Select "Motor - Wemos Motorshield" from the dropdown box.

Enter device name.

Enter the i2c address of you sensor, default value 0x30

Controlling the Motor Shield via HTTP commands

Currently only 2 DC motors are supported. Steppers need to be implemented in future.

You can control the Motorshield by remote http commands send from your Home Automation Controller or any other device that can send http get requests.

Available commands: Forward/Backward/Stop

Events Examples: DoorOpen DoorClose DoorStop

Command format:

For DC Motors:

 http://<ESP IP address>/control?cmd=MotorShieldCMD,DCMotor,<Motornumber>,<Forward/Backward/Release>,<Speed>

Examples: Turn on DC Motor, Direction: Forward. Speed is a value from 0-255

 http://<ESP IP address>/control?cmd=MotorShieldCMD,DCMotor,1,Forward,255

Stopping the DC Motor:

 http://<ESP IP address>/control?cmd=MotorShieldCMD,DCMotor,1,Release

Rules Example

// Timer for all day open door at time if not open

On Clock#Time=All,07:00 do If [Reed1-open#Switch]!=1 Event,DoorOpen Else Event,DoorStop endif endon

// Timer for all day close door at time if not closed

On Clock#Time=All,22:00 do If [Reed2-close#Switch]!=1 Event,DoorClose Else Event,DoorStop endif endon